Posts Tagged 'feet'

Onya Magazine: DIY Pedicure

It’s around this time of year, when the sun finally decides it really does exist, that we start to remember we once wore footwear that wasn’t boots – shocking, I know.

Now that the overly dramatic opening has set the scene, imagine this; the sun is out, those 50% off watermelon coloured sandals you bought on a whim are audibly moaning to be worn. You put them on, begin to marvel in how utterly summery you look when, bam, you notice the state of your feet.

Cracked heels, peeling skin around the nail bed, an all over greyish tinge normally reserved for those being stored in a morgue and soles harder than the sidewalk and you’ve got yourself some pretty scraggy looking tootsies.

I certainly did at least. I say did, because my now baby-soft feet barely remember their ‘winter life’, one of rejection and neglect.

Want to join me on the other side?

Continue reading at Onya Magazine for some fab product pics and DIY pedicure steps, your feet (and everyone else’s eyes) will thank you!

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