Endota Spa Facial

About two weeks ago, my gorgeous friend Ann-Alyce generously decided to treat us both to a half-hour facial at Endota. Having received her body weight’s worth in gift certificates after her birthday, she thought ‘Hey, what could be a better way to end a day of shopping at Chaddy other than a facial?’ – or something like that. It was also her first facial. Yes – first! I knew she’s had perfect skin her whole life but come on, not even the divine, relaxing type of facial? That’s just a rite of passage, one she was way overdue for.

Luckily, that was exactly what we were in for with our visit to Endota Spa in Frankston (now now, no ‘Franga’ jokes please! Once inside the serene haven that is Endota you forget your outside surroundings completely!) Our time in the client waiting room was the perfect introduction to the Endota experience, with calming music, sink-into-soft couches, peppermint tea and an array of Endota products to test while we wound down before our treatment.

The salon owner warned us that a half-hour facial wouldn’t be enough and she was right. It flew by in what seemed like a blissful 10 minutes, but it’s only us being greedy and wanting more – the facial certainly packed a whole lot into 30 minutes. Ann-Alyce and I were led to a darkened shared treatment room where after getting cosy on the tables, our therapists wrapped blankets from underneath the table around us. Such a comforting and relaxing feeling – repressed memories of being swaddled perhaps?

Our therapists took us through the usual schedule for a facial; cleanse, exfoliate, mask, moisturise – except with the difference of using Endota’s own brand of natural and organic skin care. The double effect of the therapists relaxing touch and the scent of the products made all the difference. Extra points go to my therapist for her lovely added touch of scraping back my hair every time a stage was completed, as I’m a total sucker for having my hair played with!

Once our treatment was completed, we were left to regather our strength to re-enter the real world and soak up the last minutes of the serene with a cup of peppermint tea. I lathered myself in the Endota creams left out for us to use (another winning touch) and we finally, sadly, left. My skin was plump and absolutely glowing, I was one happy girl.

Endota’s half hour facial was $50, and in my opinion a perfect quick exit from your busy life into one of relaxation. Now, if only I had another one booked to look forward to!

5 Responses to “Endota Spa Facial”

  1. 1 Tine October 12, 2010 at 11:39 am

    I absolutely LOVE Endota Spa facials. You should give the longer ones a go if you can, they’re amazing.

  2. 2 mujj October 12, 2010 at 2:06 pm

    Ohhhhh, My Ann-Alyse!!!!! You beautiful girl. What a treeet. You spoil the already spoilt! xx love lyne

  3. 3 Indulgent Diva October 13, 2010 at 8:19 am

    Endota Spa facials are the best! They’re really a treat! You should give their Dermalogica facials a shot next time! 🙂

  4. 4 Gillian October 13, 2010 at 8:36 am

    You’ve inspired me to check out my local Endota Spa! Can’t wait, sounds great.

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